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The Lookout Suite | Beach Comber of Vilano Skip to content
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The Lookout Suite

The Lookout Suite

The sound of the surf

Fall asleep to the sound of waves crashing on the shore as you enjoy a tranquil getaway in our third floor Lookout Suite.

This large room includes a king-sized bed, small seating area, 48-inch Smart TV, walk-in shower and separate soaking tub. It opens to a lovely private deck that offers spectacular views of the ocean.

NEW for September 2018: this room also has EXCLUSIVE access to the widow’s walk on top of this unit. Enjoy a 360 degree view of spectacular waterways–from the upstairs sitting area, you can see the Atlantic. the Matanzas Bay, and the Intracoastal Waterway. Enjoy a glass of wine as you watch the sun set–or a cup of coffee as the sun rises. This unit is spectacular 24 hours a day.

Please note: This unit does not have an elevator. Guests will need to climb two flights of exterior stairs to access the suite.

Call today to book your getaway!









